JLR's Dashboard shows many information about your accounts and offers you many shortcuts. Here are the details of what it contains.
- Click Member JLR / Home to access the dashboard.
- The date of the last deed recorded on JLR.ca is indicated.
- Shortcuts to your JLR account : My Profile, My Transactions, My Sectors, My Documents, My Rates, Email preferences and View memberships.
- A Monthly Summary indicates the number of Property Profiles and Transactions that you have consulted since the beginning of the month. It also shows the number of properties and sectosr that you have put under alert as well as the number of EVIA reports that you have ordered. For example, 1/20 means that you can still order 19 property profiles for the current month, without additionnal fees.
- The Help Center gives you access to a detailed knowledge base for any questions you might have on JLR.
- A link to JLR's Blog, where you will find our studies and news about JLR among other things.
- Our latest tweets on real estate news via our Twitter account.