IC&I Data from CollPlan is now available in JLR
Get information on the industrial, commercial and institutional market using the CollPlan integration in JLR.

has moved!
Our industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) sales database is now entirely accessible from the JLR platform

How to acces the CollPlan (IC&I) search tool?
Découvrez comment les outils de JLR peuvent vous être utiles dans vos fonctions en immobilier
Contact us for more information about the CollPlan platform, the available zones and the costs related to a subscription.
Already a JLR Member?
Contact us for more information about this IC&I search mode, the available zones and the costs related to a subscription.
Already a Collplan Member?
Sign in your JLR account or create a free « À la carte » one and contact us to activate your CollPlan profile.
> En savoir plus
CollPlan's IC&I database currently represents
Découvrez comment les outils de JLR peuvent vous être utiles dans vos fonctions en immobilier
+65 000
IC&I transactions compiled since 1994
zones available for your searches
> En savoir plus
The CollPlan reports are an essential source of information for commercial real estate professionnals

The CollPlan (IC&I) search tool enables you to:
- Find sales of lands, IC&I buildings, and income properties
- Visualize a detailed blueprint of the building, drawn by our appraisal experts
- Easily compare the data from municipal assessment to those by JLR
- Download the deed linked to the real estate transaction
- Get the sale price and annual gross revenue
- etc.